To begin with, interest rates in the Dominican Republic varay between 18 to 21% and in addition, the bank can change the rates annually. In the U.S. we can get you rates between 6% to 8%! In addition, with the new laws in the Dominican Republic, the lender buys the property in U.S. dollars, but pays for it in pesos. If today the peso is 33, and tomorrow it is 25, the lender will end up paying much less dollars for each peso.
If you wish to finance in the U.S., we can get you up to 100% of the appraised value of your U.S. property. There are many programs available, some starting as low as 1% annually!
Tax write-offs for depreciation, taxes, interest, maintenance, there is no way the DR can compete! And if you rent the property out in U.S. dollars we can go on and on. There are very few people we can not get a mortgage for if they own property in the U.S., citizen or not!
We are one of the few real estate enterprises in the Dominican Republic to sell properties with financing and mortgages at fair conditions and clear terms to American and Canadian citizens, provided by an American financing institution.
Mortgages and construction financing are provided according to guidelines based upon creditworthiness and other individual factors. Dominican Republic Real Estate is not obligated to lend; Publication of the following general conditions, rates, and terms does not include individual rates and terms may differ and are subject to change.
Calle Pedro Henrquez Urebé esq. Leopoldo Navarro, Santo Domingo
Telf.: +1-809-221-9111, Fax: +1-809-686-7488
326 4540 BCEN
BCRDDOSX (swift/bic)
Avenida 27 de Febrero esq. Avenida Winston Churchill, Santo Domingo
Tel.: +1-809-243-3232, Fax: +1-809-541-4949
Avenida 27 de Febrero No. 217, Santo Domingo
Telf.: +1-809-5472-5000
Website: www.
Av. John F. Kennedy #135, Santo Domingo
Telf.: +1-809-476-2000, Fax: +1-809-473-2050
Calle Barahona, Av. 27 de Febrero esq. Barahona, Santo Domingo
Telf.: +1-809-544-5555
Avenida Lope de Vega No. 21, Santo Domingo
Telf.: +1-809-726-2222, Fax: +1-809-540-6222
Aves. John F. Kennedy & Lopez de Vega, Santo Domingo
Telf.: +1-809-567-7268, Fax: +1-809-567-5732
NOSCDOSD (swift/bic)